Monday, May 10, 2010

This is How Dirty Girls Do It...

Wanna fight weeds without using chemicals? We've compiled our own Seven Wonders of the World.
1} Boiling Water~Pour boiling water directly on the unwanted vegetation (and only on the undesirables, as it is not selective)
2} Bleach~Put some in a spray bottle and apply on the weeds. Wait a couple of days before planting anything in the bleachy arena. If any is accidentally sprayed on plants that are keepers, just wipe off quickly.
3} Vinegar~ This acid will kill leaves fairly quickly. Wanna get to the root? Keep applying. The older the plant, the more applications the job will require.
4} Salt~ This kitchen staple has a sordid history. Salting the earth was a consequence for severe crimes. It not only kills current growth, it renders the soil unsuitable for future growth. For just a few weeds, just a pinch will do at the base of the plants. A couple of rainfalls should dilute the salt back to a harmless level. Large area (which does not belong to an ex-husband) needs weeding? One liberal application should leave the area barren for months.
5} Rubbing Alcohol~ Want your weeds to die of thirst? Rubbing alcohol draws out water and causes it to evaporate quickly~ not good news for plants. This too has no gauge for determining good or evil. Any plant in contact with rubbing alcohol is a goner.
6} Corn Meal~ This is not a weed killer as much as it is The Pill for seeds. Scatter on seeded area and there will be no further growth. Corn meal is a good choice for a bed that will planted with grown plants.
7} Newspaper~ More into smothering? Lay down at least four sheets of newspaper. No sun= no more weeds.

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